Painless Relief From Your Knee Pain
In most cases, chiropractic treatment for knee pain from Kannegieter Family Chiropractic in Centennial, Colorado is not something that comes to mind first. It is a misconception that chiropractors only treat issues related to the back and the neck. This is a popular one. As part of his area of practice, Dr. Kannegieter is trained to treat patients with problems affecting the entire musculoskeletal system. You might consider him a specialist on joints if you wanted to.
Knee pain can be reduced in a variety of ways with the assistance of a doctor like Dr. Kannegieter, who is able to address a wide range of underlying issues in an efficient manner.
There is a very wide range of different things that could be causing your knee pain. Visiting Kannegieter Family Chiropractic in Centennial, Colorado, can help provide pain relief, assist in the identification of the underlying problem, and help avoid additional damage. The following are some of the ways in which receiving chiropractic care from Dr. Kannegieter in Centennial, Colorado, could help lessen the pain that you are experiencing in your knee.
A thorough examination is what you can expect from Dr. Kannegieter when you come in for your initial appointment. He will inquire about your past medical history, what you think caused the discomfort, and other related topics. In addition to assessing your knees, Dr. Kannegieter will probably look at your neck, spine, and hips as well.
Why? Our bodies are complex machinery that work together. If one of the parts is not functioning properly, it may result in discomfort in another area. In other words, the pain in your knee may be the result of an alignment issue in your spine. When you walk, you may find that you lean to one side if your spine isn’t properly aligned. Because of this, every time you take a step, your hip will spin slightly. Because of this, your knee will need to adjust to the new angle, which may result in discomfort in your knee.
Soft Lasers are a more comfortable alternative to typical high-intensity lasers since they don’t produce enough heat to warm the skin. Kannegieter Family Chiropractic’s gentle Activator Methods adjustments combined with laser therapy has been shown to be a successful treatment for a variety of conditions, including pain management, nerve regeneration, and inflammation reduction. Give us a call at the Kannegieter Family Chiropractic office in Centennial; we would love to answer your questions about how Activator adjustments and Soft Laser Therapy can help improve your life and wellbeing.